Holiday Sale
25% Select Services offered by Dr. Bree through the end of the year!
Book online 3 or more Acupuncture or 60-minute Massages, mention promo code DRBREE2024 during booking for the discount!
Pay in full for all services booked.
Gift cards available for loved ones upon request. Please call to purchase and a gift certificate can be picked up in office or mailed to a specified address.

Thermography Sessions at
Tri-City Health Care!
4 dates available in 2025
Thermography can be used as breast cancer/health screening, subclinical tooth infections, metabolic screening for thyroid, abdomen, inflamed joint/tissues.
You do not need to be an established patient to take advantage of thermography. If you don’t know the benefits of thermography in general, let’s chat!
Cindy will be in Geneva for scans on the following Tuesdays:
APRIL 29th
JULY 29th
Breast scan, half body, full body and other options available for booking.
Call Cindy our certified thermographer with questions, or to set up an appointment. 815.482.6224
About Tri-City Health Care
Holistic & Chiropractic Center

Tri-City Health Care is located in Geneva, Illinois. The location was previously Goyke Health Center, owned and operated by Dr. Kevin Goyke. Through a recent business acquisition, Tri-City Health Care now proudly treats Dr. Kevin's patients.
If you find yourself investigating Tri-City Health Care from Dr. Kevin's recent encouragement, please feel free to book a consultation online or reach out with the same established business number, and Dr. Amanda will take care of you.
(630) 715-1183
Phone calls and texting capabilities at this number.

Dr. Amanda Driscoll, DC, ND
Dr. Amanda utilizes many techniques to evaluate and treat based on the presented symptom condition, syndrome, illness or disease. Dr. Amanda's certified techniques include Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT), Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), Quantum Neurology (QN) and SOT spinal pediatrics (CSSPP). She is actively practicing on average 5 techniques in the office to address the specific needs of each patient.

Contact Us
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or inquiries, and we will contact you at our earliest opportunity. Tri-City Health Care is a family-oriented practice and if you are looking answers, we may be the place for you. Book a consultation to find out.
2401 Kaneville Rd., Suite 3
Geneva, Illinois
(630) 715-1183
Telephone & Text
Welcome to
Tri-City Health Care
Holistic & Chiropractic Center