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The Medical Benefits of Nature’s Medicine:

Pediatric Care

Certain populations of people are so special within the confines of their characteristics and
require dedicated health care practitioners who have extensive knowledge in that population.
Pediatric care is an example of a special population requiring special care and attention.
Although our little ones look and act just like mommy and daddy, their developing brain, body,
and personality are much more fragile, in-tune and require different needs. Pediatric medicine
ranges from age birth to 18 years old. Sometimes, it is difficult to remember that high schoolers
are in this population due to their dedication to sport and physique, but we must remember their
bodies are still trying to “figure it all out”.
There are many conditions specific to children when their growing body is put under too much
stress and can’t keep up. These include, but are not limited to, growing pains, tendonitis,
apophysitis (bone pain), fractures, headaches, and malnutrition. Although these may sound
familiar, that makes them common, not normal.
When it comes to sports and activities, providing the correct nutritional requirements to a
growing body, and balancing the everyday life stressors for a child including homework, learning
abilities or disabilities, focus and attention, friends and social skills and healthy coping
mechanisms, chiropractic and naturopathic medicine can support these needs!
The nervous system, brain and nerves going to everything including muscles and the gut, is
fully developed and complete by age 7, so it is safe to state that much like education, early
intervention is ideal, even newborn children can and should be gently evaluated for normal
presentation and indications of physical trauma from birth that could be impacting digestion,
sleep, mood, feeding abilities, developmental milestones and so on.
No issue is too small for an evaluation with a practitioner who is well educated on
pediatric medicine.
Chiropractors approach medicine without the use of pharmaceuticals and surgery. Otherwise,
they follow the same evaluations and standards of care as other physicians in Illinois.
If you have a concern or would like a second opinion for a special child in your life, seek care
today from a doctor rooted in natural alternatives and pediatric medicine, found at Tri-City
Health Care.





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Tri-City Health Care

Holistic & Chiropractic Center

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